Earplugs for parents

From crying babies to angsty teenagers, there’s barely a moment of quiet for parents during their child’s life.

Whether it’s cartoons on the TV, joyful laughter as siblings play together, or the shrieks and squeals of a tantrum, kids are loud. We love them, but they’re loud.

For some parents, it’s just part of life. But for others, especially parents with noise sensitivity, the noise can be overwhelming. But there is a way to take the edge off the noise, without dulling your kids’ shine: earplugs for parents.

What are the benefits of earplugs for parents?

If you find the all the noises of parenting overwhelming, stressful, or anxiety-inducing, you’re not alone. It might not be discussed much, but parent sensory overload is more common than you might think. When there’s too much information for your brain to process, it can cause overstimulation – which can, in turn, release stress hormones.

Sensory overload can happen to anyone at any time of their life, but when you’re a tired parent, running low on sleep and with a million things to deal with, it can make overstimulation in parents more likely.

And that can mean that noises can cause sensory overload, causing you to feel agitated, frustrated, restless, anxious, stressed and unable to focus. You might find yourself snapping at your kids, struggling to focus at work, or unable to concentrate on the pile of chores.

Earplugs can help to take the edge off. They reduce noise levels, so that distracting overwhelming sounds – from the washing machine to loud toys - are more tolerable. That can help to make you feel calmer, and less likely to be overstimulated by noise – meaning you can better support your kids, while looking after your own mental health, too.

Our Earplugs for Parenting

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Why Loop Earplugs are a great choice for parents

Of course, when you have kids, you don’t want to completely block noise out. That’s where Loop Engage earplugs come in. Unlike traditional foam earplugs which block out noise, they’re made with a patented acoustic channel to filter sound waves rather than muffling them.

They offer up to 16 decibels (SNR) and 10 dB (NRR) of noise reduction, while ensuring that sound quality remains crystal clear. That means you’ll still be able to hear everything that’s happening around you - just at a lower volume.

They’re a great choice, no matter what age your kids are – and because they offer crystal clear sound quality, they’re even suitable earplugs for new parents. Your baby crying can be a source of huge anxiety, but Loop Engage take the edge off the noise and help to minimise your chances of burnout.

What’s more, they’re designed to help you stay engaged by reducing the occlusion effect – that echoey, head-underwater feeling you sometimes get with earplugs. Loop Earplugs reduce noise while making your own voice sound more natural in conversation – so you can still laugh, play and talk with your children.

Reclaim your sense of calm (and sanity)

The sound of a baby crying can reach 120dB. That’s close to the intensity of the noise of a departing plane. So - say your baby is suffering from colic for example – that’s a whole lot of noise. Time to find your calm

We’ve developed the best earplugs to deal with sensory overload as a parent. Especially designed to limit the volume, without missing a beat.  

Collapsible content

Our noise-reducing earplugs for parents are designed to reduce noise by up to 16 decibels. With a patented acoustic channel and a newly engineered filter, they’re 100% safe to wear while looking after children. You’ll still be able to hear everything, just with a bit more calm.

They’re ultra-comfortable and fit into all types of ears. They’re ideal for the demands of parent life – and they won’t fall out.

Surely strung out and stylish don’t go together? We say yes they do. There are multiple different colors to choose from in the Loop Engage range. Each coming in their own little case.

  • Little savior!

    It's amazing how soft and comfortable they are to wear. At the same time you hear everything but so calm and clear.

    - Martina M . 
  • These have changed my life!! 

    These have changed the game for me in terms of anxiety and overstimulation. They’re a quick, easy and comfortable solution for the two. I would highly recommend these to anyone.

    - Megan M.
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Parent at your volume

Give your sanity a chance and restore some calm to the chaos. With Loop Engage earplugs you’ll be able to take the edge off the daily noise of parenting life, without missing a beat. Think of the benefits: Calmer you. Happier kids. Everyone’s a winner. 

100 days free return

Ready to give them a try? We reckon you’ll love them, but if not, you’ve got 100 days to return them for free. Just send them back our way. No hard feelings.

Frequently asked questions

Earplugs can help to reduce noise-related stress, making you a calmer, happier parent. Parenting is demanding but it’s crucial to support your own emotional wellbeing to prevent burnout and improve communication with your kids.

Loop Dream are specifically designed to create a quieter sleep environment, with up to 27 decibels (SNR) of noise reduction. When you have a good night’s sleep, you’re more likely to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever parenting throws at you!

Parents face all sorts of noises, including loud toys, tantrums, crying, arguments and laughter, as well as other sounds like household appliances, traffic, loud neighbours and noisy public spaces.

As a parent, it’s crucial that you can still hear when wearing earplugs. Loop Engage earplugs filter noise without completely blocking it out so you can take the edge off while still staying tuned in to what your kids are doing.

Loop Engage earplugs filter sound rather than blocking noise out, which means that they’re safe to use when looking after a baby.

Loop Engage earplugs are 100% safe to wear around your child, as they filter noise rather than blocking out like traditional foam earplugs.

It’s best to choose a pair of earplugs that filter sound rather than muffling it, so that you can still hear your baby crying. That’s exactly what Loop Engage does, while offering up to 16 dB (SNR) of noise reduction.

It’s essential for parents to fill up their own cups – it’s so much harder to look after kids when you’re stressed and burned out, after all. Earplugs can help you to find your calm by reducing overwhelming noise.

Other use cases

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