Key takeaways
- The thought of a night of clubbing can leave you with a whole ton of uncertainty. You may be worrying about what to wear, how you’ll get home, or if it’s OK to go alone.
- Staying safe is vital. And there are ways you can do that (and still have fun). Things like buddying up with a trusted friend, not leaving your drink unattended and pre-booking taxis will help to ensure your safety.
- Pack as light as possible. You don’t want to be carrying a heavy bag all night. It’s not only annoying, but you’re more likely to leave it somewhere where it could be stolen or damaged.
- The noise levels in a club can reach 120 decibels, which puts your ears at risk of tinnitus (that ringing sound in your ears), or even worse, hearing loss. Noise-reducing earplugs will help protect your ears against ear damage.
- The most important rule – enjoy yourself! Yes, you have to stay safe and keep aware. But you can do that without casting a shadow on your experience.
**Phone vibrates**
“Clubbing tonight?”
Wait…what on earth do I wear?
What do I drink?
And hold on. How do I dance to house tunes?
The thought of a night out clubbing can evoke a whole host of emotions.
Yes, you want to dance, lose yourself and let yourself go. But you also feel like clubbing has its own rulebook, and you’ve never had a chance to read it.
So how do you navigate the nightclubbing world?
We’ve put together an article packed with expert clubbing tips that will banish your doubts, so you can be confident on how to club and enjoy your night to the fullest.
Let’s go.
Before the club
Tip #1 Pack only the essentials
When it comes to belongings, keeping it minimal is a must. You don’t want to be lugging a heavy bag around all night.
But there will be certain essentials that you can’t do without:
- ID
Don’t be tempted to leave it at home. You will probably be asked for photo ID.
If you do forget it, there’s a slight chance that you’ll find a lenient bouncer who will take pity on you. But let’s be honest, the last thing you want is a pleading scene at the door.
So make it easy for yourself and take it with you.
- Noise-reducing earplugs
Clubbing is noisy.
And while a lot of people love loud music, the noise levels in a club can reach 120 decibels, which can cause irreversible damage to your ears, such as tinnitus or hearing loss.
If your ears are exposed to noise above a certain level, they are at risk. Earplugs like Loop Experience can help to protect your ears whilst still allowing you to hear everything pitch-perfect.
- Phone
Your phone will be your best friend when clubbing.
You’ll need it to keep in touch with others (when you inevitably get lost). You’ll want photos to remember the night. You’ll need it to order/book taxis. You may need it in an emergency.
If you have space, think about packing a portable charger with you, just in case your battery runs low.
- Credit or debit card
Clubs are pretty dark. Fumbling around at the bottom of your bag for cash is not ideal. Also, many venues are now card only, so take a credit or debit card for ease.
- House keys
It’s 3am. And hey, you’re locked out.
This is the worst. Always remember your house keys and keep them safe on you at all times. Let’s face it, at the end of the night all you’re going to want to do is roll into bed and crash.
Loop Earplugs
Experience 2
Tip #2 Check the dress code
Your once-tidy bedroom is now a carpet of clothing, shoes and frustration.
Yep, choosing the “perfect” outfit can be a dilemma.
But don’t stress too much – wear whatever you feel comfortable in (you’re perfect as you are).
Make sure you check the dress code on the club’s website. The last thing you want is to get turned away because you’re wearing sneakers, or because you’re too casually dressed.
And if you plan on dancing? It’ll most likely be for hours. Stilettos may go with your outfit, but your feet could be cursing you after an hour. Maybe pack some flats, just in case.
Your future feet will thank you for it.
Tip #3 Buddy up with a trusted friend
Safety is key.
Of course, going to a club by yourself is completely cool – but ideally you should go with someone you trust (especially if it’s your first time nightclubbing).
That way, you can watch out for each other.
It’s also a good idea to let someone else know your whereabouts for the night (someone who’s not on the night out with you). Just for that extra safety precaution.
Tip #4 Makeup the right way
Nightclubs are hot. And full of sweaty, dancing people (most likely you will be one of them).
So it’s a wise plan to wear makeup that’s waterproof and long lasting.
Tip #5 Decide on a meetup point
Have a chat and agree on a time and location to rendezvous if you get lost.
It’s so easy to get lost in the experience, and the chance that anyone will hear their phone is slim to none. So in the event that you get separated from your group, it’s a good idea to know where you can find your friends.
Tip #6 Agree on an SOS signal
Unwanted attention. Unfortunately it often comes with the clubbing territory.
So set up a pre-agreed signal that only you and your friends know. Try a hand signal, or a secret word.
They’ll know that you’re not comfortable in the situation and that you need them to swoop in and rescue you.
Tip #7 Keep the car at home
It's best to leave temptation at the door. You may have the best intentions of not drinking, but then get caught up in the atmosphere and succumb to a drink (or three).
Your options? You are faced with the painful realization that you’re crawling back to retrieve your car the next day. Or even worse, you decide to drive home dangerously.
Or, you can just book a taxi before you go or when you leave, or use taxi apps like Uber.
While you’re at the club
Tip #1 Dance like everyone’s watching
When it comes to dancing, there are no rules. You’re there to enjoy yourself, right? So try and ditch the self-consciousness and move however you want to.
Remember, most people aren’t paying attention to you. They’re in their own dancing world (or battling their own insecurities).
So give in to the atmosphere – the only one stopping you from having a good time is yourself.
Tip #2 Watch what you’re drinking
Alcohol and clubbing are firm friends.
But the thing is, drinking at a club has its downsides. Not only is it super expensive, but it’s easy to go overboard and put yourself at risk.
Here are our expert tips surrounding alcohol when you’re going clubbing:
- Don’t mix your drinks. Not only will you get drunk quickly, but you’ll also wind up with a hangover from hell. If you do want to drink alcohol, try and stick to one type.
- Protect your drink. Unfortunately, spiking is an issue and is on the rise. So never leave your drink unattended – and if you realize you have, just abandon it and buy another. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Obviously drugs are a big no-no in clubs, but that doesn’t mean that people don’t smuggle them in. Try out these lids for drinks in clubs to place over your drink for added protection.
- Hydrate. You’re in a hot, sweaty, crowded room. You’re likely to get dehydrated more quickly, especially if you’re drinking alcohol too. So for every alcoholic drink you have, have a glass of water with it.
- Don’t order cocktails. They will spill. Martini and margarita glasses are notorious for spilling everywhere and the majority of your drink will end up on the floor.
- Avoid shots like the plague. They are little demons in a tiny glass, designed to get you drunk (and fast).
Tip #3 Keep your belongings on you
It’s a bit of a no-brainer, but always worth saying.
There are opportunists everywhere, so even if you feel it’s a safe environment don’t leave your belongings unattended. Have a think about investing in a purse/wallet you can strap close to your body for extra safety.
Tip #4 Keep your cool
Your toes will be stepped on. Your drink will spill on you. You’ll get bumped into, knocked over, and someone will push in front of you in the restroom queue.
Yes, it’s all annoying. But it’s also inevitable really. It’s part of the fun of it all. And let’s face it, chances are it’s an accident.
So, keep your cool and carry on. It’s not worth the drama.
Tip #5 Don’t be afraid to say no
No means no. Simple as that.
Don’t feel like you have to put up with unwanted attention. Yes, people may want to strike up a conversation with you. But if you’re feeling uncomfortable don’t be afraid to say it.
Trust your instincts and make yourself heard in a firm and calm way.
If that doesn’t work, get a bouncer involved. It’s their job and they will be happy to help.
Tip #6 And yes is OK too
Sure, staying safe is paramount.
But it’s OK to let loose and live your life to the fullest, making the most of the experience.
So do what feels good. Try out those dance moves, talk to new people. Just be careful not to give away too much personal information to strangers.
After the club
Tip #1 There’s safety in numbers
Don’t leave by yourself. Especially if alcohol has been involved.
Whether you’re getting the subway, taking a taxi or using another form of transport, make sure that everyone leaves together and stays connected.
Tip #2 Use personal safety apps
If you end up going home solo, there are a number of free apps that you can use to help keep you safe:
This app allows you to quickly connect with a circle of six friends if you need help. With one tap, you can ping the group and alert emergency services to your current location at the same time.
You can ask this app to watch over you until you reach your destination. If you fail to reach it then an emergency alert will be sent to your chosen contacts.
Tip #3 Manage your hangover
No one wants to wade through a painful morning of hangover regret.
Here are some ways to minimize the hangover as much as possible, and get you on the road to recovery.
- Drink a lot of water before bed! (And keep drinking water when you wake up.)
- Isotonic drinks like Gatorade or Pocari Sweat can help to replace all the sugars and salts that you lost the night before.
- Take a cold shower – it might be the wake-up you need to feel refreshed.
- Eat all the carbs. You may not initially feel like it, but once you feel able, load up on some delicious guilty food.
- If you make it out in the sun, put some sunglasses on to protect potentially sensitive eyes.
- Headache creeping in? Manage it with ibuprofen so you can happily get back to your day.
Club the night away
There’s a lot to consider when you’re off for a night of clubbing. But most of all – just relax and enjoy yourself.
It’s normal to feel nerves. But even though clubs can seem like a minefield, they really are just places to unwind, dance and enjoy yourself!
So don’t let any worries ruin your plans – just keep aware of your surroundings, stay safe and allow yourself to enjoy the night on your terms.
You’ve got this!

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